The Inc. Tank Podcast | Sherry Moss: Finding Satisfaction as a Multiple Job Holder

October 29, 2020

Sherry Moss, a professor of organizational and behavioral studies The Inc. Tank logoat the Wake Forest University School of Business, is on a mission to understand what makes work meaningful and gratifying. Her research suggests that the idea of finding satisfaction in one job does not necessarily work for everyone. Some people are drawn to multiple jobs or careers, sometimes held simultaneously.

Dr. Moss is an expert in the phenomenon of multiple jobholding. She wants to know when it’s done out of love – or done out of money. She shared her analysis on The Inc. Tank podcast. At any given moment, she explained, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) documents that some five percent of the U.S. holds simultaneous multiple jobs. But if BLS asks the question, “Have you worked a second or third job at some point in the last six months,” the figure shoots up to some 30 or 35 percent of the workforce.

Listen to the podcast here or on your favorite platform.

Read Christina Elson’s full LinkedIn article here.