November 1, 2018
BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism Director Matthew Phillips presented on the School’s “Professional” concept and the ways it has been delivered in the MBA program over the past few years at the 25th Annual Part-Time and 2nd Annual Online MBA Conferences at the University of Texas at Dallas hosted by the Naveen Jindal School of Business on Oct. 2.
Dr. Monica Powell, senior associate dean and graduate dean at UT Dallas and conference chair, said Phillips was “absolutely sensational. I do believe we need all MBA faculty to think about professional development in the context that [Wake Forest] presented.”
Winston-Salem MBA staff members Colleen VonDohlen and Kevin Bender also attended both conferences, which bring together top business schools from around the country to discuss trends and best practices in Part-Time and Online MBA education. Deans and senior program administrators shared lessons learned and looked toward the future in collaborative conversations.