Phillips and Hyde: In Search of a Professional Politician
What we really need are fewer career politicians and more professional politicians. Not “professional” in the sense of earning a salary, but rather in establishing a set of professional commitments.
Dr. Jim Otteson Addresses Bradenton Area EDC
The moral purpose of business was the main message behind James Otteson’s keynote address at the Bradenton Area EDC’s annual update luncheon.
BUS 105 and MA Students Enjoy the “Trading Game”
The trading game asks students to take randomly drawn items and voluntarily trade with one another in an effort to improve both of their levels of satisfaction.
Ben Sutton Speaks to MA Students
The BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism was delighted to have Mr. Ben Sutton speak to the MA students on Monday, August 15, 2016.
Congratulations to the 2015–2016 Faculty Award Winners
The BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism is proud to congratulate Center faculty who were honored by the Wake Forest University School of Business during the School's awards ceremony on May 11, 2016.
Wake Forest Business: Capitalism & Professional Identity
BB&T Center team members Jim Otteson and Matthew Phillips explain the ways Capitalism and professional identity work together to offer answers for the business world as it grapples with social criticism and a growing millennial workforce.
John Allison testifies before the House: “Making a Financial Choice”
BB&T Center Executive-in-Residence offers testimony to the House Committee on Financial Services.
The BB&T Center Welcomes Dr. Adam S. Hyde as Research Assistant Professor
On July 1, 2016 the BB&T Center for the Study of Capitalism in the Wake Forest University School of Business welcomed Dr. Adam Hyde in the role of Research Assistant Professor.
Phillips: Brexit means trouble for Democrats and Republicans
The critical lens for understanding the ‘Brexit’ vote is sovereignty: the foundational right to govern. Sovereignty is an important underlying issue in the American elections as well.
Otteson for Business Insider: Why Are You Going to Business School Anyway?
BB&T Center Executive Director Jim Otteson writes for Business Insider about Wake Forest's Why Business?™ course and the work of the Center.
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